Get the On All Sides Report

We’re excited to launch our new report, On All Sides: How Race, Ethnicity & Gender Influence Health Risk for Transgender Students of Color, on transgender student’s intersectional health disparities. Can you fill out the form on the right-hand side to get the report?

Why is this important? Available literature details the profound health disparities students of color endure due to social, economic, environmental, and structural disparities. Some literature describes health disparities between transgender and cisgender students due to similar reasons. Yet, limited population-based data focuses exclusively on the health risk behavior and outcomes of transgender students of color.

In 2017, history was made when for the first time on a population-based survey, the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) asked students whether they identify as transgender, and 2,555 young people said yes. More than half of these respondents also identified as students of color. The findings and recommendations offered in this report will assist educators, policymakers, researchers, and advocates design meaningful interventions that can reduce health risk behaviors and improve health outcomes for transgender students of color.

Why is the report launching on International Pronouns Day (October 21, 2020)? International Pronouns Day seeks to make respecting, sharing, and educating about personal pronouns commonplace. Referring to people by the pronouns they determine for themselves is basic to human dignity. Being referred to by the wrong pronouns particularly affects transgender students. Affirming a transgender student's gender by using pronouns that align with their gender identity has been shown to improve mental health outcomes. We’re dedicating the day to uplifting the need for normalizing the usage of pronouns and launching the On All Sides: How Race, Ethnicity & Gender Influence Health Risk for Transgender Students of Color report.

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