Oppose the Latest NC GOP Power Grab

Republicans in Raleigh are extending their special session with big plans to reorganize the state government to take power away from the governor elect Roy Cooper:

1. Move Medicaid out from Gov's control to under Treasurer (GOP)

2. Move office of state human resources out of Gov's control to Lt. Gov (GOP)

3. Move all Boards of Elections out of Gov's control to under Lt. Gov (GOP)

4. Re-re-classify approx. 1,000 political appointee positions that were reclassified for McCrory back to non-exempt (non-political), making it harder for Cooper to fire and replace those agency appointees (about 1300 last count)

5. Give McCrory lifetime coverage on the State Health Plan.

The threat of using the pain of hurricane victims for an outrageous power grab remains. Last year, Senate Leader Phil Berger manipulated the rules to help his son get elected to the Court of Appeals. Now he apparently wants to undermine the voters' decision by moving the Board of Elections and other agencies under the control of his friends and out of the control Governor-Elect Roy Cooper. This is a shameful scheme to rig the system! It's time to flood the lines and make sure legislative leaders know you oppose any and all power grabs that undercut duly-elected officials.

Call now, and say that the public is watching to make sure the special session deals ONLY with Hurricane Relief and NOT with packing the court, stripping the powers of the Governor-Elect, or any other undemocratic political maneuvers:

Who to Call:

Senate Pro Tempore Phil Berger:


House Speaker Tim Moore:


Direct line to McCrory's executive assistant:


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Durham, North Carolina
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