Organising for Power

Faced with multiple global crises - the COVID pandemic, climate change, economic inequality, and rising nationalist violence - this is a crucial time for people around the world to start organising for change.

Key to the ability to organise is understanding Power - what is it, who has it, how do we get it?

In this workshop we'll provide participants with a framework for conceptualising Power and the tools to understand how it operates in their communities.

Date / time:
Sunday 4th July
17h - 21h CET (Central European Time)
This course will be held on ZOOM.

There are limited spaces on this course. We have a suggested donation of 25 for the training session, which helps us cover the costs of the training and provide places for those on low income.

Once you've RSVP'd, we'll be in touch to confirm your space.

If you have any questions about this training, don't hesitate to contact us at

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