Join us April 7 & Let us know YOUR priorities!
RSVP using this form & join us to plan our next steps towards winning resources & respect.
NC has billions in unspent education aid—join our campaign to make sure it is invested in meeting our schools' most urgent needs.
Let us know your priorities now!
Talking with your co-workers about their priorities?
Use this printable version or share this link:
Want to learn how to secure federal resources to address the issues in your school?
Complete this form to RSVP to join us online every month at 7 pm!
- Thursday, April 21 at 7 pm
- Thursday, May 5 at 7 pm
- Thursday, June 2 at 7pm
Helpful links
Find out how many COVID-19 federal relief funds are available in your district by checking here.
Download the Action Steps Infographic here.
Printable Issue ID Survey & Building Mapping worksheet here.
One page flyer about the campaign here.
See how school districts across the country have been using ESSER funds here.
To receive additional training & support, become a member now:
Our kids can't wait. Neither can we.
can't allow even one more of our colleagues to leave for a less
stressful job at a local retailer or to retire prematurely -- but we can
stand up together to demand sustainable working and learning
conditions. Join us.