Our Revolution Maryland - Western Maryland - Membership Form

Join the Revolution - Our Revolution - as we fight to take America back from the corporatists and militarists in both major parties who have hijacked our democracy.

Our Revolution is built upon the success of Bernie Sanders’ historic presidential campaign continues to thrive with the support of an unprecedented level of grassroots organizers.

Becoming a member of Our Revolution Maryland means being on the front lines of change, having a real voice in our endorsements and issues, and being a part of grassroots action to push the political revolution forward.

To become a member of Our Revolution Maryland, simply attend any Our Revolution Maryland meeting or event, complete this membership form, and make a donation here. We recommend recurring contributions of $5/month or more. If you make a recurring payment of $5/month or more or contribute $54 or more, you are entitled to an Our Revolution Maryland tee shirt.

You may donate by check made payable to Our Revolution Maryland and mailed to Hal Ginsberg, State Organizer, 4220 Franklin Street, Kensington, MD 20895. Please note on the Memo line "ORMD Membership."

After you fill out a membership form, the chapter that is nearest to you will reach out to you. Email address and zip code are required. Cell phone number is requested.

Learn more about Our Revolution Maryland at ourrevolutionmd.com.

A copy of Our Revolution Maryland's current financial statement is available by writing 4220 Franklin Street or by calling (240) 283-7262. Documents and information submitted under the Maryland Solicitations Act are also available, for the cost of postage and copies, from the Maryland Secretary of State, State House, Annapolis MD 21401, (410) 974-5534.