Our Students Need Public Education Champions on the School Board
Tired of watching Milwaukee Public School funding handed over to private charter operators?
We need to support public school champions and we must be ready to do what it takes. Please volunteer some time to make sure privatizers don't control our school board. We need a school board that works for the needs of our students instead of catering to the wants of privatizers.
Marva Herndon is running for school board in District 1. Marva is a lifelong education activist, parent, and MPS graduate. She has fought for our public education for decades now. Educators and parents trust Marva because she’s always been fighting for what is right.
Erika Siemsen is running for a school board in District 2. Erika is a 31-year retired MPS Teacher who has always stood for her students both in and outside the classroom. Our students deserve advocates on the board who will place student needs above the interests of privatizers.
Sequanna Taylor is running for school board in District 3. Sequanna is an educational assistant in our schools, an MPS graduate, and she has a track record of fighting for our communities. Educators, students, and parents trust Sequanna because she is in our schools and does the work.