Oxfordshire COP26 Climate Alliance (OCCA)

Oxford Friends of the Earth is setting up an Oxfordshire COP26 Climate Alliance (OCCA).  This Alliance will run until the end of 2021 (six weeks after COP26 to allow for a review). For suggestions on how the Alliance might work click here: https://www.oxfoe.co.uk/cop26/

The Alliance is being set up to:

  • Enable better communication and mutual support on COP26 and related work
  • Enable the planning, co-ordination and carrying out of joint activities
  • More coordinated and effective engagement with our MPs etc.
  • Support member organisations in engaging with different parts of our communities.
  • Help build skills and knowledge of Alliance members

We invite interested organisations of all types to join us in ensuring that Oxfordshire makes the strongest possible contribution to the success of the COP26 conference.

If you would like to join the Alliance please complete the form here. If you wouild like more information or have a question please email climate(at)oxfoe.co.uk

Subject to discussion we will be inviting individuals to support the work of the Allance, but membership is for organisations only.

Form by
North Hinksey, United Kingdom