Participate in XR_CLT's Valentine's Day 2020 Action

On Valentine' Day - Friday, February 14, 2020 - Extinction Rebellion Charlotte (@XR_CLT) will take several actions in Uptown Charlotte. All are invitee to participate. The actions will be based on LOVE - love for our planet, love for all life, and a deep appreciation for this gorgeous planet we call home!

The current action plan is as follows: XR_CLT's Red Rebel Brigade will make a debut appearance at Trade and Tryon at about 11:30am, with some choreographed movement and strong visuals; they will be joined there by a banner-carrying crew (having convened at about 11am); after some time at Tr&Tr, the group will move to one or two other Uptown locations; then, the Red Rebels and banners will proceed to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Plaza, to join the Fridays For Future and Charlotte Youth Climate Cooperative at their recurring strike. The overall XR_CLT action will conclude by about 1pm.

The XR-CLT actions will be fully permitted, family-friendly and non-violent.

Help is needed! Help by carrying a banner! Strengthen XR's presence with your body and voice! Turn out to show your love for our planet!! If you are in other allied groups, bring them along!

Add your name (and contact info) to the "I'm Joining!!" list in the sidebar! And click the "Add" button!

[All RSVP data will be shared with XR_CLT.]

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