People of Faith for Abortion Access

For such a time as this, clergy and laity are coming together to ensure that pregnant people can access abortion care — no matter what the courts decide.

Join our growing community of faith-rooted organizations & activists committed to fighting for reproductive health, rights, and justice come what may.

Sign this form to join this faithful movement and to demonstrate your moral commitment to abortion access.  

We’ll be back in touch with you soon to provide key resources, as well as invite you to a “Meet the Faith-Rooted Repro Movement” webinar to help you get plugged into this work at the local & national level. (See below to view the various faith-rooted, national & state advocacy organizations sponsoring this invitation and organizing the upcoming webinar.)

Here are more next steps for you to consider:

  • Discern and pray about what action you are willing to take in the months and years ahead. Can you counsel people, help them learn about options, help them travel to legal states, offer respite care? Can you engage your congregation in taking a role in this work?
  • Research what abortion funds exist in your area and what services they provide. If you are in a state where abortion will remain legal, find out what clinics near you provide abortion care.
  • Reach out to other religious leaders and activists in your local community to ensure that you have a strong local network that can take action together. Encourage them to join you by signing this form!

With your support, we can build a strong network of people of faith to help pregnant people access abortion services for years to come. Sign on and share this message today!