IBEW Local 2150 Precarious Saturday Scheduling Story Share

In preparation for a community relations strike campaign, we’d like to collect your personal stories about how unfair, precarious Saturday scheduling has affected you and your families. Take a minute, think about how your life has been upended because of bad scheduling and mandatory overtime. Take the time to talk to your wife or husband, your family and your friends, they may have some stories you have forgotten.

For example:

How many Saturdays have you had to work this summer?

Do you have to use vacation to get Saturdays off?

Do you get penalized for not working Saturdays?

Did you miss your child's birthday party?

Did you miss your daughter's soccer game?

Did you miss church service?

Were you unable to attend a family wedding or anniversary celebration?

Was your wife or husband upset you were called into work at the last minute?

Were you unable to participate in a local Boy or Cubs Scout Troop Meeting?

Did you have to use your vacation to get a weekend off, leaving little vacation?

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