ESC Local 20 PG&E Unit: Joining together for political power through LEAP!

Decisions that impact our wages and benefits are made by elected officials in Sacramento and Washington DC, as well as locally, and through regulatory bodies such as the CPUC. We need to make sure that our voices are heard by legislators and regulators, and we need to support those who work to protect and advance our interests.

What is the ESC Local 20 LEAP Fund?
The Legislative Education and Action Program (LEAP) supports legislative efforts that protect the interest of the labor movement and working families. LEAP funds are used to contribute to candidates who will work to serve our union’s members. The support that we provide to political candidates for office is funded exclusively by voluntary contributions to the LEAP Fund — no union dues money goes towards this purpose. Many of our employers contribute millions of dollars to politicians or ballot measures so they can influence the political process. Through LEAP and the collective impact of the voluntary donations of our members, we can make sure that our union’s voice is heard as well.

JOIN TODAY by filling out the form on the right!

By completing the form, you agree to the Following Terms and Conditions: "I authorize my employer to deduct each pay period the amount certified below as a voluntary contribution to be paid to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Engineers and Scientists of California Local 20, International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers—Lou Lucivero Legislative Education & Action Program at 810 Clay Street, Oakland, CA 94607 to be used for political purposes, including but not limited to making contributions and expenditure in connection with federal, state and local elections. The contribution amounts on this form are merely a suggestion, and I may contribute more or less by this or some other means with-out fear of favor or disadvantage from the union of my employer. Only union members and executive/administrative union staff who are U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents are eligible to contribute to ESC Local 20, IFPTE LEAP fund. My contribution is voluntary and I understand that it is not required as a condition of membership in any organization, or as a condition of continued employment, and is free of reprisal, and I may revoke the authorization at any time by giving written notice. Contributions to ESC Local 20, IFPTE LEAP are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes."

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