Join the Jews for Siegel Phonebanks

We are in for the fight of our lifetimes.

With a pandemic raging, our planet burning, police and armed vigilantes killing unarmed African Americans, Trump threatening to bully and cheat his way through this election, and his administration giving Israel a green light to formally annex the West Bank — permanently keeping Palestinians in a separate and deeply unequal reality — we know there is no such thing as going “back to normal.” Now is the time to elect leaders who are committed to partnering with movements to transform our political landscape and make new things possible.

Mike Siegel is a progressive champion, raised by a Jewish father and Protestant mother, who’s fighting for freedom and dignity for Palestinians and Israelis as well as for Medicare For All, the Green New Deal, and police reform. He represents an inspiring alternative, bringing his experience as a civil rights lawyer to fight for human rights of all people--in TX 10, in Israel/Palestine, and across the world.

Will you join us calling voters in Texas 10 to help Mike Siegel win so that we can create a future where all of us can thrive?

His opponent, Rep. Michael McCaul, a 15-year incumbent who is emblematic of Trump’s racist, antisemetic, and xenophobic GOP. McCaul was instrumental to the development of Trump’s Muslim Ban.

Mike Siegel is running to represent an area in Texas which has been represented by a Republican for years. Districts like these have the most potential to be decisive not only in making sure the House stays Blue, but also in the fight to defeat Trump and Trumpism.

Mike Siegel needs a movement of volunteers to win. Making phone calls with us is the best way to make sure voters know there are progressive champions they can vote for.

Sign up to phonebank with us here - all are encouraged to join from anywhere in the country!

Additionally, we will also be helping to distribute campaign literature and deliver yard signs. If you live in or near Austin or Houston, sign up to join the volunteer team here!