Pledge of Resistance

I pledge to engage in nonviolent direct action - up to and including risking arrest - if President Biden continues to approve leases on federal lands or other fossil fuel projects.

I recognize that we are running out of time to implement clean-energy solutions to protect the future of our planet.

I acknowledge that we need consistent, mass-turnout, nonviolent disruption to stop business as usual and compel politicians to act.

I am united in fighting for a thriving and just world.

I aim not to work within the current political reality. I aim to change it.

I will peacefully struggle to end fossil fuel extraction on federal lands and waters.

I will stand in solidarity with our sister struggles for racial and economic justice by demanding an end to sacrifice zones and a just transition for those most impacted.

I will voice to Democratic lawmakers that the youth vote will only deliver for them if they deliver for us.

If needed, I will take action - up to risking arrest - for climate justice.

Signed in solidarity,

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