No Appetite for Apartheid: Pledge to Boycott Israeli Products

Wouldn’t it be lovely to shop in a store free of colonial occupation and apartheid?
Take action today! Join the No Appetite for Apartheid campaign!
No Appetite for Apartheid is a national campaign inspired by the fight against apartheid in South Africa and aligned with the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement.
Here in the Triangle, our campaign is focused on canvassing local businesses to see if they carry Israeli products and asking them to remove the products from their shelves, declaring themselves an Apartheid Free Store.
Our boycott is aimed especially at grocery stores and restaurants because the U.S. is the biggest importer of Israeli food products, and agricultural products are a major sector of Israel's economy. The operations for Israeli agricultural goods are often based in illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian territory and rely on the exploitation of low-paid Palestinian labor, making the food industry active in enabling and profiting from Israeli settler colonialism and apartheid.
We need your help! Fill out this form to get involved with the campaign and stay updated on our progress. You'll also pledge your support for Apartheid Free Stores in the Triangle.
By taking this pledge, you'll help the Triangle join the hundreds of Apartheid Free Zones all over the world. Together, we can end Israeli apartheid!
If you believe a better world is possible, learn more about our work and get involved at Triangle DSA - Get Involved.
أليس من الجميل التسوق في متجر خالي من الاحتلال الاستعماري والفصل العنصري؟
بادر بالتحرك اليوم! انضم إلى حملة "لا شهية للفصل العنصري"!
"لا شهية للفصل العنصري" هي حملة وطنية مستوحاة من الكفاح ضد الفصل العنصري في جنوب أفريقيا وتتماشى مع حركة المقاطعة وسحب الاستثمارات وفرض العقوبات (BDS).
نحن نحتاج إلى مساعدتك! أملأ هذا النموذج للمشاركة في الحملة والبقاء على اطلاع بالتقدم الذي نحرزه. بانضمامك تتعهد أيضاً بدعمك للمتاجر الخالية من الفصل العنصري في المثلث (The Triangle).
من خلال تعهدك ستساعد المثلث (The Triangle) في الانضمام إلى مئات المناطق الخالية من الفصل العنصري في جميع أنحاء العالم. معاً يمكننا إنهاء الفصل العنصري الإسرائيلي!