We can't keep the pro-LABOR majority without your help!

Help us stop candidates supported by the Freedom Foundation, ALEC, and big business from flipping the legislature from a pro-worker majority.

Midterm elections historically are won by the minority, causing a flip in power that would be devastating to the progress we hope to make in this upcoming biennial budget. We are underpaid, overworked, burning out, and the communities we are supposed to be serving are left with the burdens of that. Every election matters because, as public employees, there is no other workforce that has more at stake when it comes to the decisions made by elected officials.

This election is about preserving what we can and preventing losses where possible. It’s about winning dignity for ourselves and our coworkers, by working to get candidates that will never quit on us elected to fight for us.

In order to preserve our majority we need our members to support the candidates who support us, and this goes beyond just endorsing them. Will you pledge to volunteer this election cycle by making phone calls, texting union members, and knocking on doors to turn out working people to vote?

Add your name and we will contact you with volunteer opportunities once our endorsements and election plan are finalized. We are counting on your support!