Pledge to Protect the Vote!

Our Election Protection program makes sure eligible voters know how to cast their ballots and ensure they are counted. Join us to mobilize voter protection field programs across the Commonwealth.

Election Protection is a nonpartisan program. Please read our volunteer agreement to understand expectations on how to act in a nonpartisan manner while volunteering with Election Protection.

Once you pledge to help us protect the vote, you will receive more information about available roles, trainings, and volunteer shifts!

Here are a few potential volunteer roles:

Voter Advocate: Volunteers will support voters at the polls in person and connect voters who are denied the ballot to legal resources and answer questions for voters.
Roving Voter Advocate: Use a checklist to drive (or bike!) between polling places and check on lines, signage, and poll preparation. Report back to your headquarters on any problems at the polls that need to be solved.
Social Media Monitor: Identify voters who are posting on social media about problems voting, connecting them to resources and support, and reporting vote-related mis/disinformation.
Voter Contact: Use textbanking and phonebanking tools to talk to thousands of voters to give them accurate voting information and support.
Election Administration Outreach: Work with election administrators to make sure they are as prepared as possible to run accessible and safe elections.
Poll Worker: We will connect you to resources to help you apply and get selected as a poll worker to help manage the elections themselves.

Thank you so much for helping protect the vote!