Pledge to Redistribute Your COVID Stimulus Check
If you are able to, will you pledge to redistribute your stimulus check?
As people impacted by COVID, we have compiled resources to share your check from the stimulus package to those who may not be receiving checks or need more than the stimulus provides.
The people who need your pledge the most include undocumented immigrants who aren't receiving checks, people in the service industry who have lost their jobs, those without health insurance, and those without familial support.
If you are interested in redistributing some or all of your check but you aren't sure if it's the right thing for you to do, we invite you to ask yourself and reflect on the following questions to guide you in how much to give:
Have I been receiving my full salary or pay during the crisis initiated by COVID-19?
Do I have access to financial support from my family?
Do I have savings of over or equal to $1,200?
Do I have health insurance?
Do I have stable housing?
Am I white? (and thus benefiting from centuries of economic privilege granted by white supremacy culture)
Here are places we recommend you donate your stimulus to:
• Movimiento Cosecha fund for undocumented immigrants who aren't receiving stimulus checks)
• Through Resource Generation (an organization moving money towards people-powered movements)
• To one of the organizations or people listed here (please add to this list if you know of organizations or people in need!)
• To a local group or someone you know personally who is in need.
Want to ask a friend to join you in redistributing your check? Check out this email template here.
To find out more information about this pledge and access more compiled resources, look here.