Pledge to Vote - 1 in 3 Campaign Organizers

Young people have always been at the forefront of change. As the leaders, as the organizers, and as the experts of our own lives, young people are the driving force behind every powerful social movement in history. Which is why when young people are civically engaged, change happens. Period.

We know that voting will not single handedly bring the transformative change we need. We know that there are harmful and oppressive laws in this country that restrict the voting rights of young people, undocumented people, people with criminal records, and Black and Brown communities in more ways that just one. But we also know that voting is one tactic in a larger strategy for justice and we must utilize all our tactics if we want to win.

By pledging to vote and asking your peers to vote on November 6th, 2018, you are committing not just to making your voice heard but also to demanding that people listen.  This is our lives, this is our future, and this is our vote.

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