Pledge to Vote by April 28th and Empower My Community!
Ohio's strength comes from our hard work, determination and ability to come together across our differences to overcome our challenges. Conducting an election during a pandemic presents barriers, but we’ll find a way forward, for all voters, whether we’re white, black or brown.
In this month’s important election, we have an opportunity to stand up for each other. We can go #AllIn4OhioVoters and pick leaders who reflect the very best of every kind of Ohioan.
If you haven’t already voted, you need to vote by mail, which is safe and easy:
Request your absentee ballot request form here.
Drop your ballot in the mail by April 27th or before and join millions of Ohioans from every background, across racial differences, to bring about positive change in Ohio.
Together, we can make this a place where a better future is for everyone, no exceptions -- from Lake Erie to the Ohio River, white or black, from Youngstown to Cincinnati.
We can do this. Remember: Request your ballot, and then drop it in the mail no later than April 27.