Pledge your support for flexible work at Sydney Water

Working 3 days a week in the office should be a personal choice, not forced on us.

This "directive" is causing anxiety and stress for all staff. For many of us, working 2 days in the office is working well for us, our families are thriving and we are meeting the business needs as we are more productive.
Many of our people have caring responsibilities. Coming to the office 3 days a week will not be suitable for these workers and their families.
Excessive travel will cause many of us to experience fatigue from travelling to and from work for that extra day.
Seating arrangements are already a problem for staff at head office, as well as in the depots.
Our current 2 days in the office policy has improved our wellbeing, and mental health.
For many the burden of costs for additional before and after school care will significantly impact staff.
With the cost of living, working 3 days from office will put many at a financial disadvantage.
Productivity will be affected; many tend to work during our travel time.
The current policy of a minimum of 2 days in the office encourages positive physical and mental health.
The current policy already allows us to deliver quality services to our customers and engage regularly with our stakeholders. No change is needed.
The current policy will attract and retain diverse talent.
The current policy will support people with caring responsibilities.
The current policy makes Sydney Water a great place to work with high engagement, wellbeing and job satisfaction.