Portland Jobs with Justice Solidarity Squad
Even with the results of the November 8 election yet to be confirmed, hatemongers have become emboldened to threaten our families, neighbors, and coworkers all over our state and nation.
With you, our community, Portland Jobs with Justice is prepared to hold the line on human rights and dignity.
At Portland Jobs with Justice, we are called to reaffirm our 25 year legacy of taking action for worker's rights, immigrant justice, and a strong progressive Portland that upholds the rights of all people to live with justice and dignity.
Will you commit to hold the line on justice and dignity by joining the Portland Jobs with Justice Solidarity Squad?
Members of the Portland JwJ Solidarity Squad commit to:
- Attend a training on immigrant and worker rights, and rapid response;
- Prepare and act as rapid response when immigration enforcement raids or other attacks occur in accordance with the code of conduct in the trainings;
- Participate in "Know Your Rights" outreach to share these rights with impacted communities and allies;
- Attend demonstrations to support working people and families whose rights have been violated or who are already leading in fights for workplace justice.
When we band together as a community to protect and care for each other, we can beat back hate, fear, and oppression.
Spread the word! Join the Solidarity Squad today!