Protect Health Care in Massachusetts

Dear Friend,

As a friend and advocate of the Massachusetts health care system, we can be proud of the gains we have made in Massachusetts, especially for frail, sick and disabled people who now have access to affordable health care. But today, the House of Representatives and the President would prioritize tax breaks for the wealthy at the expense of the care that we have worked so hard to promote in Massachusetts and elsewhere.

To protect health care as a right, we must first reclaim our democracy. That starts by taking back our Congress in 2018. As voters in Massachusetts, we can only vote in the district where we live. As employees or volunteers of nonprofit organizations, we are not allowed to support political candidates in any district. But as individual citizens, we can support candidates who share our progressive values, who are respected in their communities, and who can win in districts all across the country.

That's why we have launched Together We Stand, a citizen initiative to mobilize Massachusetts support for strong health care candidates running for U.S. Congress. We will coordinate directly with the candidate's campaigns to bring candidates to Massachusetts for fundraising events and to organize volunteer trips to provide on-the-ground support to campaigns.

Our first candidate is Dr. David Gill, who is running for Congress in Illinois' 13th district. In his previous congressional race, he came within 0.3% of beating Rodney Davis, the current Republican incumbent. To learn more about Dr. Gill, sign up to join us by filling out the form on the right.

Yours Truly,
Susan Labandibar and Robert J. Master MD

Together We Stand

Form by
Susan Labandibar
Cambridge, United Kingdom
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Cambridge, MA