Protect Social Security and Medicare. Stop the TRUST Act now

Romney published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal that revived his scheme -- called the TRUST Act -- that sets up an undemocratic closed-door, fast-tracked process to cut the two most successful and popular government programs: Social Security and Medicare.

This isn’t the first time Mitt Romney has tried to gut Social Security and Medicare. He proposed the TRUST Act under President Trump too, claiming it was needed because of Covid19. Now, Sen. Romney is pitching it as an equally bad plan to respond to inflation.

Whether the problem is a global pandemic on its way to killing millions or corporate profiteering raising prices, Mitt Romney’s response is the same: Cut Social Security and Medicare.

Unfortunately, this is the kind of plan that can get support from corporate Democrats and the process for Senate reconciliation, which allows a bill to bypass the filibuster and pass with a simple majority, won’t protect us. The process also includes something called a ‘vote-a-rama’ where any senator can introduce a bill or resolution making it the perfect opportunity to slip bad bills into must-pass legislative packages.

In February, when the Senate debated the American Rescue Plan, Mitt Romney slipped a non-binding resolution based on his Social Security-cutting TRUST Act into the vote-a-rama, and it passed 71-29!

This time, let’s make sure when Senator Romney pushes the TRUST Act, it’s dead on arrival.

Send a message to Congress:

America doesn’t support the TRUST Act. To fight the impact of inflation and help seniors, expand Social Security and Medicare, don’t cut them.

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