PSU-AAUP Community Solidarity Pledge

I pledge to support PSU-AAUP faculty and staff in their fight for respectful, dignified working conditions
As the Cudd administration does yet another annual reserve spend of millions more for athletics, their initial economic offer doesn’t come close to making up for PSU-AAUP members’ financial sacrifices of 1% annual pay raises when inflation was in double digits. We can not eat prestige. After 130 hours of negotiations, the Cudd administration refuses to negotiate layoff protections, workload protections, sufficient pay that members can live where they work, refuses to end high turnover, and refuses to live its racial justice values through fair compensation for bi-lingual pay.
All this comes after over 130 hours in bargaining, the administration being censured by faculty senate, the painful layoffs of IELP and non-tenure track faculty colleagues. This comes after developer trustees with huge conflicts of interest simultaneously pushing layoffs and over $1B in new PSU construction since 2010, with over $210M in the endowment and $195M in the PSU foundation, and PSU President Ann Cudd over $700,000 per year. With the Cudd administration planning two more years of cuts, enough is enough. The PSU-AAUP leadership has recommend members get strike ready.
This is a fight for the soul of accessible, quality Oregon public education. Filling out this form is a commitment to join PSU-AAUP members on the strike line if the Cudd administration forces us to, to win the conditions faculty, staff, and students deserve.
Please support our members in the event of a strike by donating to our strike platform here: