Punish Animal Killers to the Fullest Extent of the Law

URGENT: ARM just exposed gut-wrenching, inhumane, and sadistic animal cruelty and torment at an illegal animal slaughter farm in Florida, run by the criminal mastermind known as ‘the Butcher.’

Goats and sheep were documented being strung upside down alive as their heads were slowly sawn off. Pigs were violently stabbed in the heart repeatedly, and worse, he’s been getting away with torturing animals for his whole life – without a shred of remorse!

Now, it is time to make ‘the Butcher’ pay for the inhumane crimes he has inflicted on countless animals.

A multi-agency tactical raid led to his arrest for felony charges of Statue 828.12 animal cruelty, resulting in death, while another animal abuser remains on the run with a warrant out for her arrest.

JOIN US: Demand ‘The Butcher’ face judgment. He must be tried in court – no plea deals, no bargaining, no second chances and be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Sign this critical petition, and we will send your name along with thousands of others to law enforcement and top prosecutors.