Red Black and Green New Deal Climate Pledge

The Red, Black & Green New Deal is a blueprint for a sustainable, renewable future in defense of Black lives, and the first Black climate agenda in the U.S. Using the six key pillars of: water, energy, land, labor, economy and democracy = the RBGND initiative supports Black communities to better understand impacts and solutions of the global climate crisis. We know best what our communities need to survive ongoing severe weather conditions such as resilient, sustainable energy systems and resources to properly plan and recover from extreme weather events.  

Sign the pledge and join the The Red, Black & Green New Deal and Black Climate agenda to address these disparities. Join the GLOBAL fight for climate justice now!

Sign the Pledge:

Take Climate Action Now

I understand that the Climate Crisis is real, and it impacts Black and Indigenous communities at a disproportionate rate. We need Climate Action NOW and I am adding my support to the RBGND’s effort to amplify its messaging, educate family and friends on the impact of the climate crisis!

I commit to my own self- transformation to confront anti-Black racism and reduce my own climate footprint by 50% within 3 years.

I pledge to engage others in my church, workplace, school and community about the impact of climate on Black Lives and on ways to reduce its effects.

I pledge to advance democracy by holding my elected officials accountable to alleviate the impacts of climate on Black Lives.

I want to receive updates and information from M4BL and the Red Black and Green New Deal.

Visit: for more details on political education workshops, educational materials and opportunities for Black-led climate action!

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