Together we can take back our government!

Your Voice Matters

Richard Kenski is leading the fight for

My name is Richard Kenski. Because I would like to serve as a True Representative to all the people of our diverse 67th district I am running as an Independent Candidate, NOT beholden to Big Money Donors, Corporate Lobbyists, nor any Political Party.

Unlike other candidates, as a TruRep™ candidate I believe you should never have to compete with Corporate Lobbyists and Out of State Donors for the ear of your own representative! My office is for "Constituents Only." And because I believe your needs and opinions matter, my office will always be open and accessible to YOU.

Simply use the link below to send me a message, or schedule a time to talk.

Schedule a Call

Richard Kenski4.Us

Our Nation’s Founding Fathers dreamed of a country run by it's Citizens, not by a ruling class nor political elites. The Executive Branch was to only administer the government, while The People, through their Representatives in the Legislative Branch, would determine how things should be run. As you can see, between  Executive Branch overreach and Party Loyalists in the Legislature wrestling for power, our government is not working as intended. Only with True Representatives, will we once again have a government of, by, and for “We the People."

In a real democracy your Voice Matters!

Because I am committed to bringing people together to find Real Solutions that will work for all of us, I would like to invite you to join any of our Advisory Groups on specific issues. These groups will give all those who want their voice heard a constructive opportunity to propose legislative changes and are open to everyone living in our diverse district, no matter how young or old!

To make sure Your Voice is included, please use the form on this page to join any of our issue specific Advisory Groups. These groups will be run as online forums. You will only receive email (or text) updates for further information and links to special polling on the specific issues you choose. Any Real Solutions these groups propose will be advertised to the district and must show wide support before I, as a delegate, bring them to the General Assembly.

A more perfect Union

Our state government, although functioning, is far from perfect. The duty of our state legislature is to fine tune our governance through updates to legislation and budgetary considerations desired by it's citizens. Personally, I believe problems are only solved by real solutions that work for all of us, NOT by piling on more and more regulation or throwing money at them.

One of the first things our state legislature needs to do to get our government working for the People, is to pass Anti-Corruption Legislation! Currently, since things are rigged in favor of those who can afford lobbyists, Crony Capitalism is costing taxpayers a fortune while it's enriching the few.

Big Money is hijacking our Representation!

No wonder why polls now show ...

If you are fed up with politicians beholden to their big donors and want real democracy with a government that works for all the People,

I’m Richard Kenski.

The fighter, with the guts to stand up to powerful interests and make your voice heard.

A vote for me is a vote to restore the True Representation and Equal Justice that everyone of us deserves.

Thanks for visiting.

Here's a link to learn more about the American Anti-Corruption Act.

To find out more about Richard Kenski, go to: Richard Kenski's LinkedIn page

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