Right to Work

Since the late 1940s, corporations and anti-worker millionaires have been trying to confuse and manipulate workers into giving up our rights through a cleverly worded process called Right to Work.

Just by living in a Right to Work state, the average worker gives up $1,540 in salary every year while across the country states with Right to Work laws have higher unemployment and lower pay.  That’s exactly what the corporate interests want. They want to use Right to Work  to destroy unions that stand up for workers across the country.   They want Right to Work to ship more jobs overseas, rig the tax system and demand more work from employees while treating them with less respect.

Right to Work laws eliminate freedom and flexibility for workers.  Workers lose job security, good-paying jobs and health insurance in Right to Work states. Without serious workplace representation, Right to Work states even face a 15 percent higher chance of infant mortality and have a 36 percent higher rate of workplace deaths.  Right to Work means more pressure on struggling working-class families, not less.

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