Rally & March to Stop Israeli Settler Violence

Stop Israeli Settler Violence: Not On Our Dime

On Thursday 7/20 at 6pm at Herald Square, the Not on Our Dime! coalition is taking to the streets to call for an end to Israeli settler violence and demand our state stop subsidizing Israeli settlement expansion.

Stop Israeli settler violence: Not on Our Dime!
Rally & March
Thursday, July 20, 6pm
Meet at Herald Square

While Israeli settlements may feel far away, many of the settlers who are attacking Palestinians and stealing their land are using funding from organizations here in New York State. These organizations masquerade as “charities” while funneling hundreds of millions of dollars to forcibly evict families, bulldoze schools, destroy roads, and push more Palestinians off their land. By allowing these organizations non-profit status, and thus tax breaks, New York is effectively subsidizing war crimes.

That's why a coalition of grassroots and legal organizations launched the Not on Our Dime! Act. It’s the first piece of legislation affirmatively supporting Palestinian rights in New York, and the first of its kind in the US.

New York State Assemblymember Zohran Mamdani introduced this groundbreaking legislation, flanked by the Center for Constitutional Rights, Adalah Justice Project, Palestinian Youth Movement, the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, Jewish Voice for Peace, NYC Democratic Socialists of America, and more.

Next Thursday, let’s pour into the streets to make sure our elected officials hear from us – we are outraged, we are growing in numbers and power, and we refuse to stand by as our state subsidizes apartheid.

If there are ways we can make this action more accessible for you, please email Cara at caramlevine@gmail.com.
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