RSVP in advance for our 'Online Vigil & Healing Space'

UPDATE: This online vigil will now take place on Friday, June 24th at 7pm-8pm EST. RSVP via Zoom for quick registration.

Otherwise, anyone who has completed advanced registration via Action Network will receive the Zoom link in a few hours. Thanks for your patience and understanding as our team supports one another & others through this grief-filled moment.

In anticipation of the forthcoming U.S. Supreme Court decision that will likely roll back abortion access as we know it, our team is diligently planning ahead and creating spaces for healing & wholeness.

At 7pm EST on the day of the SCOTUS decision (TBD), we will gather online to build community and solidarity together. All are welcome to join this intentional space of community care as Constance Dunlap compassionately leads us in a time of reflection & recentering.

Register in advance for this Online Vigil, and we’ll send you the Zoom link as soon as the SCOTUS decision is announced.

We extend a particular welcome to those who are unable to participate in upcoming protests, those who are emotionally drained, and those who deeply need community care during these uncertain times.

The power within us is greater than all that gathers around us — come connect in community with those who seek your thriving.

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