Join the Rosemead Tenants Union
The Rosemead Tenants Union is a grassroots group of renters and tenant advocates here in Rosemead. We are residents who live, shop and work here in Rosemead.
All around the San Gabriel Valley, renters are under more and more pressure to accept huge rent increases or back pay tens of thousands that they do not have. The greed of landlords and the economic system backing them makes it harder for regular working families to just live and provide for themselves.
However, tenants when we come together can fight back. Neighboring cities in the SGV like Alhambra, Pasadena and others have been able to pass stronger rental protections for tenants. We can as well! The City will not create these protections, with regular people advocating for themselves.
If you are trying to stay safe and secure in your home, please contact us to see how we can help. If you want to be involved in making building a better life for tenants and vulnerable people in Rosemead together, then please stay in touch. Have a good one.
Facebook: Rosemead Tenants Union