Rush Doshi Reading Group
Rush Doshi, The Long Game: China’s Grand Strategy to Displace American Order (New York: Oxford University Press, 2021).
is a key China expert on the National Security Council—others outrank
him but don't have the same degree of expertise. Before joining the NSC,
he got a PhD from Harvard and worked at some of the most important
national security think tanks, including CNAS and Brookings. He is
extremely well-connected in the foreign policy establishment and his
primary mentor, Kurt Campbell, is head of Asia policy on the NSC.
book provides probably the clearest and strongest rationale for a
confrontational, zero-sum relationship with China. It crystallizes a lot
of the conventional wisdom in DC, so reading it will help us understand
why the foreign policy elite is so worried about China and what they're
likely to do about it. The goal of reading the book is to develop our
analysis on the motivations behind US foreign policy, refine our
arguments for a progressive alternative, and help us shape a strategy to
prevent great power conflict and win progressive change.