Rushcliffe: Vote Smart to Defeat the Tories and Renew our Democracy

In Rushcliffe, the Labour Party candidate, James Naish, is the best-placed progressive candidate to get rid of our Tory MP at the general election.

But James will only win if we, the voters in Rushcliffe, vote smart on 4th July.

We know how hard it is to put an X’ in the box for a candidate who isn’t your first choice. Under a fair electoral system, we would be able to vote with our hearts. Tactical voting wouldn't be necessary, and all progressives would win fair representation in Parliament.

That's why we're backing candidates who understand the need to earn their votes, and who pledge to champion electoral reform in the next Parliament so that in the future, all votes will count. James fits that bill.

A vote for James isn't just a vote to defeat the Tories in Rushcliffe. It's a vote for an advocate of electoral reform and a vote for democratic renewal. Let's vote smart.

Pledge to vote smart in Rushcliffe to defeat the Tories and renew our democracy, and use this tool to indicate who you would vote for in a true democracy. We'll use this data to show candidates where their support is really coming from - and to emphasise the need to earn every vote.

Pledging your support is completely confidential – all data will be aggregated and anonymised – but we’ll share the running totals publicly so we can all see where progressive support is coming from as the General Election approaches. And once we've succeeded, our data will help us to continue making the case for Proportional Representation.
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