Yes, I want to Knock Every Door for Medicare For All

We are working hard to ensure that all Californians have access to quality, affordable, and equitable health care. Fortunately, this vision is within our reach. With Senate Bill 562 having passed the State Senate, we are closer than ever to establishing single payer health care in CA. However, it now must pass through the Assembly, where Speaker Rendon is intentionally obstructing the bill's progress. With each passing day, the insurance and pharmaceutical lobbies get closer to sinking the bill, which is why we must act now. And we need your help.

Join us as we canvass in priority Assembly Districts across the state. Together, we can engage our communities around this important issue and ensure that our representatives hear us loud and clear: we need single-payer and we need it now!

If you kindly provide us with your information, we will reach out to you when we are putting together a canvass in your area. We'd love to work with you as we go door-to-door to talk with our neighbors about the urgency of SB 562.

Thank you for your interest. We truly couldn't do it with out you.