I’ll be there to demand jobs with justice!
Jobs with Justice South Carolina EV Project intends to:
- Support workers and unions fighting for a living wage, fair contracts, and a voice at work.
- Establish pathways for workers to negotiate standards with both their immediate employers as well as setting a floor within the industry overall.
- Continue to fight against the exploitation of the black and brown workers in the south and align with grassroots organizations and/or faith communities to amplify the messaging for the immediate need of economic and social justice here in South Carolina.
- Challenge corporate greed and Wall Street recklessness by demanding new regulations, consumer protections, and taxes that discourage speculation and ensure the wealthy pay their fair share.
- Align with other campaigns and community efforts that are fighting for the common good of the southern Black and brown worker.
It is up to us to take action to demand an economy that works for everyone!
During the next year, I pledge to be there at least five times:
- Fulfill solidarity requests of South Carolina JWJ EV Project, and union organizing campaigns.
- Participate in community organizing efforts to build the SC JWJ presence.
- Call on elected officials to recognize the emergency and take bold action to create new union jobs that will place Black and brown workers at the forefront of conversations regarding a ‘fair and just’ transition.
- Protest layoffs, plant closures, and foreclosures caused by corporate greed, and demand action to protect the people affected.
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South Carolina Jobs With Justice may reach out to you by phone or email about this campaign.