This is us! Share your story

With the passage of so many anti LGBTQ+ laws, especially anti Trans laws Collier County has seen a rise in anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and disinformation, all in an effort to erase, stigmatize, and isolate the LGBTQ community. In a powerful response, Naples Pride is putting together a series of stories called “This Is Us: Get to Know Your LGBTQ+ Community in SWFL.” This video series will feature local people, members of the LGBTQ community, friends and allies, LGBTQ-friendly businesses, legal experts, doctors, and leaders of faith communities. We invite you to participate! Help us dispel homophobic myths and spread awareness by sharing compelling personal stories and anecdotes. Only by sharing our stories we will change hearts and minds.
By submitting your story, you are giving permission for Naples Pride to contact you for an interview and use your anecdote for teaching purposes. Please let us know if you wish to remain anonymous.
If you are not sure what to write, here are some guiding questions:
For LGBTQ+ members:
Tell us your story.
How does the latest Florida legislation affect your family? Your livelihood?
How do you feel this year compared to last year in school? (if applicable)
Have you experienced bullying?
For Allies and Friends:
What makes you an ally?
How do you show your support as an ally?
Do you have friends and family that are affected by these anti-LGBTQ laws and the people who have negative comments?
What message do you want to share?
For Businesses:
Why are you supporting the LGBTQ community?
Does it make business sense to be an inclusive business?
Do you hire LGBTQ employees?
Please submit your story on or before June 30, 2024.
For Everyone
How has Naples Pride and having the Naples Pride Center impacted your life?
Thank you for your participation and support!