SIGN: Ban Cow Killing for Bird Flu

On March 25, 2024, the first case of bird flu infecting dairy cows was reported. In the following weeks, new cases have been identified as the disease spreads like wildfire all over the U.S.

Bird flu is not lethal to dairy cows. In fact, it is entirely treatable. But it does the next worst thing: Tanks milk production. And for Big Dairy, that equals a death sentence.

Every day, sick or injured dairy cows are culled for just this reason.

So now, Big Ag is likely to cut their losses and kill hundreds, thousands – or in the case of birds, millions – of animals in the most heartless, cruel and painful ways.

Worse: Fear-mongering media are escalating anxiety. Public health officials could execute “risk management” measures to cover their backs.

It’s a tinderbox of special interests… We have to be the voice for the innocent dairy cows. We must demand a BAN on Dairy Cow Culls for those infected with bird flu before it’s too late.

Sign this critical petition, and we will send your name along with thousands of others to President Biden so that we can make a more significant impact on your behalf.