SIGN HERE: It's time we demand our courts protect domestic violence victims—not abusers

Millions of Americans are victims of extreme domestic violence and abuse, but many are afraid to report the abuse for fear of being mistreated by the courts and risking incarceration. It's a Catch-22, and too often victims end up staying in dangerous relationship or try to leave—and end up dead. Abusers often run free violate others.

A domestic violence victim in recent case called for help stating the father of her child choked her and threatened her with a knife. After he was arrested, the woman began having severe anxiety attacks to the point that she said it caused to feel unable to show up to her abuser's trial. In response, the presiding Judge Jerri Collins coldly berated the victim and threw her in jail. Her abuser got 16 days.

In another case in 2013, a single mother and domestic violence victim Marissa Alexander, who fired a shot into the air to ward off her serial abuser husband from attacking her and was sentenced to 20 years in prison by former Florida District Attorney Angela Corey.

In both cases the victims were treated horribly by the courts. There are countless stories the above.

3-4 women are murdered each day by a husband, boyfriend or partner. It's time we demand our law enforcement and court system protect victims and not the abusers.

SIGN HERE: America needs to change our court system to protect domestic violence victims—not berate and/or jail them
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