Sign if you agree: Freelancers and gig workers must receive full benefits during the COVID-19 crisis

Over the last five weeks amid the pandemic, over 40 million Americans have filed for unemployment benefits, and those who seek to file shouldn’t have to worry about whether or not they will qualify for their benefits during this crisis.

The third relief package passed by Congress included an expansion and reform of the unemployment insurance program. The extended program increased the maximum unemployment benefit and ensured that all workers are protected whether they work for businesses small, medium or large, along with self-employed workers, freelancers, and workers in the gig economy.

And yet, Trump’s Department of Labor has introduced many loopholes that still muddy the eligibility of gig workers and freelancers despite Congress's clear intent to make them eligible.

The Labor Department currently lists several situations in which a freelancer or gig worker can apply for unemployment, including being diagnosed with COVID-19, caring for a household member with the disease, having their place of employment closed because of the virus, and being unable to get to their job because of a quarantine order or public advice to self-quarantine.

However, those conditions leave out workers who find themselves sidelined during the pandemic, but who are not personally subject to an order to stop work. For example, employees who typically work from home aren't automatically covered even if their client base dries up.

The Labor Department must remove loophole language to make clear the intent for contractors and gig workers to get this critical assistance.

Sign the petition: Demand the Labor Department close the loopholes and ensure everyone has access to benefits during the pandemic!

Participating Organizations:
Colorado People's Alliance
Daily Kos
Gig Workers Matter
Gig Workers Rising
Working Partnerships USA
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Additional Sponsors
San Jose, CA
Washington, DC
Chicago, IL