Sign if you agree: Speaker Mike Johnson is a dangerous extremist

After House Republicans embarrassed themselves for weeks before picking a new Speaker, they settled on a relative unknown—Rep. Mike Johnson—hoping to hide their extremism.

Make no mistake about it. The GOP choice for Speaker isJim Jordan with a jacket and a smile.

Mike Johnson is an anti-LGBT rights. As an attorney for the right-wing Alliance Defending Freedom, he supportedanti-sodomy laws and called gay people a "deviant group."

Mike Johnson wants a conservative Christian theocracy. He believes aseparation of church and state is “the opposite of how we were founded as a country,"distorting the words of Thomas Jefferson.

Mike Johnson does not believe in democracy. He has argued that we do not live in a democracy, but thatinstead that we live in a "biblical republic."

Mike Johnson is an anti-abortion extremist. Not only does he support afederal abortion ban, he has blamed abortion for school shootings and our economic woes.

And, he was a leading architect to overturn the 2020 presidential election resultscolluding with Donald Trump himself to have Congress reject the Electoral College votes of swing states.

The House GOP must be held accountable for picking an extremist who’s out of touch with the majority of the public. As Trump runs again for president and House Republicans try to keep their narrow majority, every single Republican must answer for the extreme views of their new leader Mike Johnson.

Sign the petition: Denounce the GOP and their pick for Speaker, Mike Johnson.

Participating Organizations
Blue Amp Action
Daily Kos
Democratic Values
Faithful America
Forward Blue
Left Click
Progressive Democrats of America
Progressive Reform Network