Sign if you agree: Until Leonard Peltier is free, none of us are free

Leonard Peltier is serving two consecutive life sentences after being convicted of murdering (standing your ground while not white) FBI agents during a shootout in 1975. After 38 years in federal prison he is, not at all surprisingly, suffering from major health problems. Many activists believed that President Obama would grant Peltier clemency but he did not. This doesn't mean that we can simply forget about Leonard Peltier.

As one of the leaders of the American Indian Movement, Peltier’s activism outside and inside prison has helped shape the progressive movement today. And the progressive movement's reaction to his unfair imprisonment can send a clear message to indigenous people of this country and within the progressive movement: If they come for you, like they always will, we will not rest until you are free.

Our current actions on behalf of political prisoners like Leonard Peltier seem to convey another message though: If the story that the government fabricates against you is too salacious for the American people to resist than we will have to leave you behind and focus on those of us that are still free.

November is Native American Heritage Month. Can you take action this November on behalf of indigenous peoples everywhere? Sign the petition demanding that Leonard Peltier be released from prison. Demand that he be cleared of any charges. Demand he be awarded reparations for the years of his life that have been stolen. Believe to your core that until Leonard Peltier is free, none of us are free.

After you sign, please take a moment to write to Leonard Peltier letting him know that he is not alone and that we are singing his song. As Leonard said himself, in response to the passing of AIM co-founder Dennis Banks, last month:
In my most humble way, I ask that we never forget those who made the ultimate sacrifice to try to make a better world for the coming generations. Please, sing their songs with honor, in their memory, tell their stories with pride with every opportunity you have, and always, please remind our young people and each other, that every battle that was ever fought, every life that was ever taken, every ceremony being performed, is with our future generations in mind.
Sing Leonards song and encourage all that will listen to write him (please read guidelines before sending) at this address:

#89637-132 USP Coleman I
P.O. Box 1033
Coleman, FL 33521
United States