SIGN NOW: No closed-door commissions to cut Social Security and Medicare!

The government is funded until November 17th―but Social Security and Medicare are not safe.

198 politicians voted to create a closed-door commission to destroy Social Security and Medicare. And House Budget committee chairman Rep. Jodey Arrington is still whipping votes for his full-year budget that creates such a commission, along with a $2 trillion cut to Medicaid.

Let’s be clear: The only reason to "negotiate" Social Security and Medicare's future in a closed-door commission is to cut benefits without input from voters who have paid into our Social Security system their whole lives.

Send your elected Representatives a message now: Do NOT participate in a closed-door commission to cut Social Security! And reject any budget that slashes Medicaid!

Remember: None of the politicians who claim to want to make “hard choices” about Social Security or Medicare have introduced or co-sponsored a single bill that asks the rich to pay their fair share. The truth is, if the wealthy paid in at the same rate as the rest of us, we could afford to expand Social Security―not cut it!

Every politician who tries to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid is demonstrating that they’d rather American families starve and suffer without needed medical care than for their rich donors to pay one penny more in taxes. It should be a scandal.

Sign the emergency petition: Hands off Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid!