SIGN-ON: Tell ISO-NE to Stop Sending Our Money to Fossil Fuel Peaker Plants!

We do not need fossil fuels to meet our peak energy demand, but millions of dollars from our electricity bills go to making sure fossil fuels stay on the grid! Our regional energy grid operators, ISO-NE, continue to operate a system called the "forward capacity auction" that guarantees power plants funding into the future. This year they promised $780 million out of our electric bills to fossil-fueled power plants. Around $350 million of that is for fossil fuel generators who are only activated an average of 12.5 days a year! (These are called "Peaker" plants!)

It's time to move the transition to clean energy along instead of continuing to operate the energy market with rules that were made when fossil fueled electricity was just getting started.

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) now has to approve ISO-NE's forward capacity auction results - but we believe that these results violate ISO's mandate. So we're submitting this comment to FERC:

"Dear FERC Commissioners,

On behalf of the No Coal No Gas campaign, we are writing to ask that you reject the results of ISO-New England’s 18th Forward Capacity Auction (FCA 18). These results are in violation of ISO-NE’s tariff and mandate to “protect the health of the region’s economy and the well-being of its people by ensuring the constant availability of competitively-priced wholesale electricity – today and for future generations.” FCA 18’s award of nearly $350 million in forward capacity payments to fossil fuel peaker plants is a clear violation of this mission. Fossil fuel peaker plants are expensive, unreliable, and a clear threat to the wellbeing of New England Ratepayers, both now and in the future. We call on the Federal Energy Regulatory to reject FCA 18’s payments to these plants. "

Read the rest of our statement here and sign on so we can show ISO-NE that New England residents are tired of their "fuel neutrality" and fossil fuel favored systems.

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