Sign the petition and join the movement: Hold Facebook accountable

From allowing white supremacists to plan a violent insurrection to failing to stop the spread of disinformation, Facebook is doing its worst. For years Facebook has been rife with scandals and bad decisions, including Cambridge Analytica, ignoring disinformation for profit, poor content moderation, and being investigated for antitrust concerns. Every bad decision Facebook makes affects our lives because the online world doesn’t exist in a vacuum, and there are real-world consequences to Facebook’s irresponsibility.
Facebook pretends it’s not accountable to anyone, but the truth is this: users make or break Facebook’s business model. Ninety-eight percent of Facebook’s revenue comes from advertising, and Facebook relies on our engagement on its platforms to target ads to us.
We can show Facebook that we have power by refusing to engage with their platform, even for a temporary period. Will you support and join a national log out from Facebook for a few days and let them know WE are holding them responsible?
Facebook cares about how long we spend on its platforms (including Instagram). In short: WE are Facebook’s entire business model. Logging off will not only affect their bottom line, it will show them that we can refuse to engage with their platform until they fix it. Take the pledge and mark your calendars for November 10, 2021, when we’ll log off together (for a few days).
Not on Facebook or Instagram? You can still take the pledge in support of the campaign and tell us why you left or never joined Facebook and Instagram. It’s important to show that people are actively making these choices because of Facebook’s policies.
Sign the petition: Facebook is accountable to us for condoning attacks on our democracy, on our health, and negatively impacting our lives for profit. Join us for the National Log Out starting on November 10 and lasting a few days to hold Facebook responsible.