Sign the petition: Block Trump's voter suppression agenda now

Donald Trump just established a "commission on election integrity" to investigate the bogus claim that millions of fraudulent votes were cast in 2016 presidential election.

Trump is a vicious crybaby whose ego can't stand that he lost the popular vote by 3 million votes. But this commission is more than an overreach by an egomaniac. It is setting the wheels in motion for even harsher voter suppression in 2018.

Sign if you agree: We must block Republican voter suppression tactics if we want a fighting chance at winning in 2018.

Republicans have admitted that their efforts to make voting more difficult--voter ID laws, gerrymandering, cutting early voting--have nothing to do with fraud and everything to do with the GOP trying desperately to hold on to power.

Voter suppression cleared the path to the White House for Trump and he knows progressives are coming for him, the House, and the Senate in 2018. The tyrannical toddler knows the only possible way to stop us is to force energized voters off the rolls.
That's why we have to be diligent in resisting voter suppression tactics at the state, local, and federal levels.

Sign if you agree: We must block Republican voter suppression tactics if we want a fighting chance at winning in 2018.