Sign the petition: Congress MUST repeal the Comstock Act

As a case that could remove FDA approval of mifepristone winds its way through the courts, abortion remains in more danger than ever.

While SCOTUS recently opted to protect the pill while the case proceeds, we know that the GOP has an arsenal of cases ready to ultimately ban abortion nationwide—and many of these cases, like the mifepristone case, will rely on the Comstock Act, a 150-year-old law designed to control our bodies that has dangerously been left on the books.

National Democrats must rise to meet this moment. To start, the Comstock Act must be immediately repealed. Democrats in Congress need to introduce a bill as soon as possible. Force a vote. Attach the repeal as an amendment to other bills coming down the pipeline. Talk about it to voters. Match the urgency of the threat however they can.

We know that abortion was a mobilizing issue in the 2022 elections. We are overwhelmingly a prochoice nation, and we deserve national leadership that will fight for our reproductive freedom.

Add your name to tell Congress to immediately begin working to repeal the Comstock Act.

Participating Organizations:
Able Dems
Americans for Contraception
Cedar Key Progress
Daily Kos
Democracy for America Advocacy Fund
Democratic Values
Drug Prices Are Too High
Forward Blue
National Campaign for Justice