Sign the petition: Corporations are lobbying against healthcare, education, and clean energy. Condemn and STOP them today

Big corporations are hell-bent on blocking a historic budget framework that could mean changes to education, climate, healthcare, and more. The Build Back Better Act would create free 2-year community college, cut child poverty in half, demand investments in clean energy, expand Medicare, prioritize a living wage for care workers, and create a pathway to citizenship for undocumented families. And it would also make corporations pay their fair share, rolling back the outrageous Trump tax breaks.

For years, corporations have exploited American taxpayers and have lobbied against programs critical for the middle class. Use your voice to tell them you are taking note, and that they can no longer stand in the way of working families.

Behind the scenes, corporate lobbyists representing Dow Inc., Exxon, Caterpillar, Apple, Walmart, Walt Disney Company, Capital One, FedEx, Lowe’s, Lockheed Martin, and more are forming a massive coalition to fight against the Build Back Better Act. The pharmaceutical industry has also played their part in pouring millions into advocating against this act. Spokespeople within the industry have argued that it will do more harm than good, despite the fact that American pharmaceutical companies have monopolies on products and that the U.S. spends twice as much per person on prescription drugs than other countries.

Corporations are against the Build Back Better Act because it holds them accountable and makes them pay their fair share.

As working families struggle through an ongoing global pandemic, loopholes in our tax code have allowed the wealthy to get even richer. Along with lobbying Congress, they have launched ads attacking Democrats that will be vulnerable in the 2022 election.

Big Oil, Big Tech, the pharmaceutical industry will do whatever it takes to prevent this bill from passing because it means wealth will be distributed to working families and communities that need it the most.

Call on: ExxonMobil, Walt Disney, Apple, Caterpillar, Dow Inc, Walmart, Capital One, FedEx, Lowe’s, Lockheed Martin, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, and other companies lobbying against the Build Back Better act; urge them to stop toying with our democracy. Let them know that you see them.

Sign the petition: Corporations are lobbying against healthcare, education, and clean energy. Condemn and STOP them today.

Participating Organizations
CCAN Action Fund
Citizen Action New York
Civic Shout
Daily Kos
The Juggernaut Project
ParentsTogether Action
People's Parity Project