Sign the Petition: Demand investment in school communities, counselors, and services, not school cops to combat gun violence now!
After every school shooting, one of the most common solutions proposed by those against gun control is to put more cops, usually called School Resource Officers, on campus.
The problem is these school cops don’t make schools safer. In fact, research shows they often make them more dangerous.That’s right, School Resource Officers make schools less safe.
A Journal of Adolescent Health report] found out of 179 shootings on school grounds there was no evidence to support that school resource officers lessen the severity of school shooting incidents. In fact, it quite possibly makes them worse. Take it from Jillian Peterson, Associate Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Hamline University on CNN:
“What's remarkable is that when you have armed officers on the scene you often see more casualties, often because the shooter is suicidal… They know the officer is there, so they come in heavily armed.”
The Washington Post extensively researched it and only twice in 19 years has a School Resource Officer stopped an active shooter. It’s much easier to find unarmed teachers and counselors who have stopped active shooters as you’ll see in John Oliver’s report:
America is at a crossroads on guns. While we fight to get Congress to enact serious gun control, we also have to fight against bad ideas that put children in our schools at greater risk.
Watch John Oliver in a clip from his HBO show Last Week Tonight lay out the facts and then sign our petition calling for investment in school communities, counselors, and services, not school cops to combat gun violence by adding your name now!