Sign the petition: Enough is enough! Demand President Biden work towards a comprehensive strategy for gun reform

In April, President Biden promised action to address gun reform during the joint address to Congress. Since then, we have only witnessed limited action.

Biden ran on one of the strongest gun violence prevention platforms in American history, promising to pursue a bold agenda that broadly resonated with voters, particularly young people, across the country.

Since making promises to address this public health crisis, Biden has caved to pressure from gun rights groups and Congress, and the Department of Justice has defended a federal law that protects gun manufacturers which he, himself, promised to repeal on the campaign trail.

Meanwhile, 2021 could be one of our worst years yet, with the highest rates of gun violence in decades.

Enough is enough -- no more empty promises followed by thoughts and prayers. We demand action now. We demand Biden address the following:

  • Establish an Office of Gun Violence Prevention in order to streamline the government’s efforts to reduce violence, recognize gun violence as a national security crisis and a public health and prevention priority, and establish a long-term sustained effort to reduce gun deaths.

  • Work to abolish the filibuster so we can pass life-saving legislative reforms with a simple majority and ensure that investments in community violence intervention programs are signed into law as part of the Build Back Better agenda.

  • Use the presidential bully pulpit to talk to Americans about the risks and dangers of firearm ownership within the home and in our communities while also highlighting successful community efforts and legislative reforms that have saved lives across the nation.

These actions are the floor, not the ceiling, for what progress on gun violence prevention can look like. And this is not a new concept -- there currently exist at least 8 offices of gun violence prevention in cities and states across the country.

We must address gun violence immediately! Every second we wait is a literal matter of life and death.

Sign the petition: Demand Biden act now to address this country’s gun violence epidemic.

Participating Organizations:
Blue Future
Brady PAC
Crazy Eight PAC
Daily Kos
Medicare for All PAC
The People United
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