Sign the petition: Hold Big Fossil Fuel accountable for lying about climate change

Fossil fuel companies have known about the threat of the climate crisis since the 1970s, when the industry predicted global warming with incredible accuracy. They then decided to lie for decades.

Big Fossil Fuel has spent billions to spread doubt and misinformation about the dangers of fossil fuels and to elect climate deniers at all levels of government–robbing a generation’s worth of time to transition our economy onto renewable energy and reverse the devastating impacts we’re currently experiencing.

Fossil fuel companies knew that their decisions were advancing the climate crisis and they ignored the science and lied to the general public. We must hold the fossil fuel industry accountable.

We can and must go hold fossil fuel companies responsible for misleading the public on climate change. There’s established precedent for this accountability: In the 1990s, the Department of Justice held major tobacco companies liable for violations of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. The fossil fuel industry has broken laws in perpetuating lies about the climate crisis–the DOJ must hold the industry accountable.

The city of Chicago and California have separately filed lawsuits against major oil companies for the harm caused by their deception. This is something our Department of Justice can and must do to represent all Americans against Big Fossil Fuel.

For over 50 years the fossil fuel industry has used illegal methods to lie and distort public perception of a global crisis. It’s time for accountability NOW!

Sign the petition to the Department of Justice: Hold the fossil fuel industry accountable. Sue the industry for violation of federal racketeering laws, truth in advertising laws, consumer protection laws, and potentially other laws.

Participating Organizations:
Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)
Chesapeake Climate Action Network
Climate Hawks Vote
Daily Kos
Demand Progress
Food & Water Watch
Global Warming Solutions
Last Chance Alliance
Native Voters Alliance Nevada
Oil and Gas Action Network
Progressive Reform Network